Saturday, March 19, 2011

International forces bombard dictator gaddafi's targets in Libya

US and European military forces have bombarded Libya with cruise missiles and air attacks as part of a broad international effort to enforce a UN-mandated no-fly zone more than a month after the outbreak of an uprising against longtime leader Muammar Gaddafi.

French jets fired the first shots on Saturday in Operation Odyssey Dawn, the biggest international military intervention in the Arab world since the 2003 invasion of Iraq, destroying tanks and armoured vehicles in eastern Libya.

Hours later, US and British warships and submarines launched more than 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles at more than 20 coastal targets to clear the way for air patrols to ground Libya's air force.

An unnamed US national security official said the air defences of Libya have been "severely crippled" by the barrage of missile strikes.

"Gaddafi's air defence systems have been severely disabled. It's too soon to predict what he and his ground forces may do in response to today's strikes," the military source said, on condition of anonymity.

Major-General John Lorimer, a British military spokesman, said British fighter jets also had been used to bombard the north African nation.

Anti-aircraft guns could be heard firing overnight in Tripoli. Libyan state television later said civilian areas of the capital and fuel-storage tanks that supplied Misurata had been hit.

It also claimed that 48 people had been killed and 150 others wounded in the attacks, but Al Jazeera could not independently verify that report.

In Tripoli, residents said they had heard an explosion near the eastern Tajoura district, while in Misurata they said strikes had targeted a regime airbase.

Several thousand people gathered at the Bab al-Azizia palace, a compound in the capital which was bombed by US warplanes in 1986.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Sri Lankan Umpire Asoka De Silva Axed from World Cup !

Sri Lankan Umpire Asoka De Silva was removed from the world cup regarding the decisions he had taken so far. 7 decisions given by  him were reviewed so far and only in two instances he had being correct.  

Some websites say he was axed due to the LBW given against Gary Wilkinson of Ireland but according to the review, decesion was given as a on field called so it's a 50/50 situation which was seing from other umpires as well in the tournament.

UNP LOST Kolonna Pradeshiya Sabha (Rathnapura) to UPFA by a VOTE ONLY !

UPFA VOTES : 10,075 47.80% 6
UNP   VOTES; 10,074 47.80% 3

WHAT A RARE Incident !

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Get All the Latest Local Authorities 2011 Election Results from here


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U.N. Security Council approves no-fly zone in Libya - Joy for Freedom Fighters !

Jubilant Libyan freedom fighters in Benghazi erupted with fireworks and gunfire after the U.N. Security Council voted Thursday evening to impose a no-fly zone and permit "all necessary measures" to protect civilians.

The opposition, with devoted but largely untrained and under-equipped units, has suffered military setbacks this week. It has said such international action was necessary for it to have any chance of thwarting Moammar Gadhafi's imminent assault on the rebel stronghold.

"We're hoping and praying that the United Nations will come up with a very firm and very fast resolution and they will enforce it immediately," said Ahmed El-Gallal, a senior opposition coordinator, before the vote.
"We should not arrive too late," French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said at the U.N.

The resolution was approved with 10 votes, including those of the United States and the United Kingdom.
There were no opposing votes on the 15-member council, but China, Russia, Germany, India and Brazil abstained. Germany said it was concerned about a protracted military conflict.

U.N. member states can "take all necessary measures ... to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, including Benghazi, while excluding a foreign occupation force," according to the resolution.

UPFA 128 UNP 7 ITAK 10 so far !

The ruling UPFA has obtained the power of 128 local bodies at the LG polls 2011, according to the results released in 150 bodies.

Ilankai Tamil Arasu Kadchi (ITAK) has won ten Councils, including Mannar Urban Council and Pradeshiya Sabha, Vavauniya PS, Manathai East PS, Trincomalee UC and Naveenthanveli PS.

The UNP has obtained the power of six councils, including Kuliyapitiya UC, Gampola UC, Bandarawela MC, Kadugannawa UC and Kalutara UC. They would have won more, if postponed Urban Councils were held on this occasion ( Postponed purposely by dictator Rajapakse as he feared that he will lose those urban councils ).  UNP's Voter Percentage has gone up compared to last ruling regime biased general election.  

Three other parties, SLMC, UCPF, National Congress and Independent Group have won one council each.

JVP Loses Tissamaharama and Placed 3rd !

The JVP has lost the Tissamaharama Pradeshiya Sabha which was previously held by them. The UPFA has obtained the power of the PS with 14,523 votes with seven seats, while the UNP received 8,344 votes with three seats. The JVP has received 7,767 votes with only two seats. So far the JVP has not able to win any council in 2011 election.

It was the JVP who helped Dictator Rajapakse to Win in 2005 Presedential Election and now they are receiving their gifts in a raw for bringing an uneducated thug to the leadership  !

Unregistred Vehicles with no Number Plates on the road on election day ? NO Garadge Number Plates either... What are they up to ?

Several unregistred vehicles with no number plates on both front and back(even no garadge 
plates) were seen on the road and they were driven without any issue from the police... 

Several of them were seing around 1-2pm (Brand New Hiace Van and nissan a Blubird Car) in Nugegoda and another on the road at 6-6.30 in Delkanda (Jeep) ( Which is the area of Maharagama Electorate) and several other areas by many local individuals. They said this is very strange thing. 

Were these vehicles were being used by Goverment to change the election results ? Does this show that all the elections held so far are biased towards Percy's Ruling Regime and altered to have a result in their favour ?

Low turnout at local government polls – Election Department

The Election Department in Sri lanka a short while ago said that the voter turnout for the local government polls which is currently in progress was considerably low in all parts of the country

“The voter turnout was considerably low in all parts of the country with a little improvement in Hambantota (percy's home town)” Said Deputy Elections Commissioner W.P.Suamanasiri.

According to independence  election monitoring bodies like PAFFREL & Network for Election Monitoring said that by noon the voter turnout was between 20% to 28%. but they said their was a sharp increase in the number of incidents of election related violence.

5 key Oppostion figures arrested ! - Bahrain Uprise

Authorities in Bahrain have arrested at least five key opposition figures, a day after a crackdown on anti-government protesters in the centre of the capital Manama, reports say. The streets are said to be calm but extremely tense, with soldiers patrolling after an overnight curfew.

Correspondents say the opposition, which is seeking political reform, has gone to ground to plan its next move.
At least three civilians and three police died in Wednesday's violence.

Matar Ibrahim, a former opposition MP from Bahrain's Shia majority who recently resigned in protest at the crackdown, told the BBC the government was completely ignoring the message from the US that it was on the wrong track. The US state department has criticised the use of excessive force and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has called for dialogue.

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Japan dumps water on stricken reactors

Military helicopters in Japan have dumped water on reactors at the quake-stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station in an effort to cool down a spent fuel storage pool, local media said.

Two CH-47 helicopters scooped up seawater and released it over the reactors on Thursday while another helicopter checked radiation levels in the air.

The plant, 220km north of Tokyo, has been hit by several explosions after a devastating earthquake and tsunami last Friday.

Al Jazeera's Andrew Thomas, reporting from Osaka, said "four flights were made and of those water-drops by the helicopters, only one hit its target". The effort has since been abandoned, he said.

"Given that more than a hundred would be required to hit dead-on to fill the reactors with enough water to cool the rods, it is – forgive the phrase – a bit of drop in the ocean at the moment," our correspondent said.

The mission was part of efforts to cool the storage pools at the number 3 and number 4 reactors. The cooling systems at both reactors are not functioning, raising fears that spent fuel rods could melt and release radioactive material outside the building.

Police water cannons were also set to support the effort in addition to equipment already in use over recent days at the plant.

Toshimi Kitazawa, the defence minister, said an additional 11 military vehicles would be deployed for efforts to help cool the reactors, while pumps supplied by the US armed forces were also being transferred.

Nuclear safety

The government's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said the top priority should be pouring water into the fuel-rod pools at reactors 3 and 4, which may be boiling and are not fully covered by roofs that would reduce radiation leaks.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Minister S.B. is to offer 25000 computer tender to Thilanga Sumathipala !

Higher Education Minister S.B. Dissanayake has decided to offer the tender of buying 25,000 computers for the use of university students to his funding partner, Casino Owner and UPFA MP, Thilanga Sumathipala.

The Secretary to the ministry Sunil Jayantha Navaratne has called for proposals on 10th March 2011. Technical specifications of computers mentioned in the call for tenders were prepared only to suit Lenova brand computers which are produced by a private company belong to Mr Thilanga Sumathipala.

Ministry sources say that many companies planned to apply for the tender were prevented the opportunity as a result.

Billionaire, Casino & Bookie Owner Thilanga Sumathipala has been the main funder for S.B Dissanayake while he was in the UNP as well as with the SLFP alliences. Extremely disappointed of Rajapaksa regime’s politics, the pair is turning into similar tender irregularities to raise funds for a future political campaign against Rajapaksas, say political analysts.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Telephones of seven ministers tapped by Dictator Percy's Regime !

A top government member (pro percy) has ordered the intelligence units to tap the mobile phones of seven ministers and 40 provincial councilors who have avoided taking part in the government's campaign for the local government elections.

Following the directive by this top government official a team of 10 intelligence officers headed by a senior DIG has been assigned to the task.

The relevant mobile phones have already been tapped and conversations are being listened to by these officers. A special meeting has been scheduled for every Friday with the senior DIG to discuss the matter. 

The respective ministers and provincial councilors have been involved in several secret discussions, which is also one of the reasons for their mobile phones to be tapped.

According to another reliable source, they are currently planning to shift to oppistion once Peoples Leader Sajith Premadasa becomes the leader of UNP or they are planning to do something like in middle east countries to oust dictator percy and his family regime. 

Radiation 'now high enough to affect health - Confirms Japanese authorities

The Japanese authorities say that the radiation crisis at the nuclear plant which was damaged in Friday's earthquake and tsunami is worsening, and levels are now high enough to affect human health.

The danger has been caused by a new explosion at one of the reactors in the Fukushima plant, followed by a fire. The operator says meltdown is now possible.

The Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, said that everyone within 20km (12 miles) of the plant should leave the area immediately. The BBC's Dominic Kane reports.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The risk of further releases of radioactive material remains "very high" - Japanese Prime Minister

( CNN Video, Pls wait some time until the video get loaded, it does takes some time ))
Japanese authorities trying to stave off meltdowns at an earthquake-damaged nuclear power plant reported more grim news Tuesday as radiation levels soared following another explosion at an overheating reactor.

The risk of further releases of radioactive material from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant remains "very high," Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said Tuesday. In addition to an explosion at the No. 2 reactor, the building housing the No. 4 unit -- which had been shut down before Friday's earthquake -- was burning Tuesday morning, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano announced.

The plant's owners, the Tokyo Electric Power Company, evacuated all but about 50 of their workers from the plant following Tuesday's explosion at the No. 2 reactor. Radiation levels at the plant have increased to "levels that can impact human health," Edano said -- between 100 and 400 millisieverts, or as much as 160 times higher than the average dose of radiation a typical person receives from natural sources in a year.

Evacuations have already been ordered for anyone living within 20 kilometers (12.5 miles) of the plant, and Edano said anyone between 20 and 30 kilometers (between 12.5-18.6 miles) should remain indoors. At least 500 residents were believed to have remained within the 20-kilometer radius Monday evening, Edano said.

Edano spoke more than four hours after an explosion at the No. 2 reactor, the third blast in four days. The cooling system at that unit was damaged by a hydrogen explosion at the No. 3 unit on Monday, and workers had been attempting to keep temperatures at unit 2 in check by pumping seawater into the reactor ever since.

The "explosive impact" took place shortly after 6 a.m. Tuesday (5 p.m. Monday ET), TEPCO said. Pressure readings indicated some damage to the No. 2 reactor's suppression pool, a donut-shaped reservoir at the base of the reactor containment vessel.

"We are continuing the water injection into the pressure vessels, but the operators who are not directly engaged in this operation are being evacuated to safer locations," a TEPCO executive told reporters at a news conference Tuesday morning.

Monday's hydrogen explosion at reactor No. 3 injured 11 people, Japanese authorities said. A similar hydrogen explosion on Saturday blew the roof off the containment structure around the No. 1 reactor and hurt four people.

Edano said earlier that he could not rule out the possibility of a meltdown at all three troubled reactors at the plant.

Dictators forces say Brega under their control but freedom fighters say they have retaken Brega

Videos of freedom fighters in libya

Dictator and possible war criminal Muammar Gaddafi's forces are slowly pushing towards the main oppostion-held towns in Libya, reports say.

Ajdabiya, the last major town before the freedom fighter base in Benghazi, came under heavy aerial attack. In the west, ground forces and tanks have begun shelling the town of Zuwara. Freedom fighters say they have retaken Brega, but the government has denied the claim.

Earlier, the UN Security Council met to discuss the imposition of a no-fly zone, but there was no consensus. The BBC's Barbara Plett says there were divisions about authorising such a zone, with France calling it a game-changer, but countries such as Russia expressed caution, saying serious questions remained.

Meanwhile, a UN envoy, Abdul Ilah Khatib, has met with Libyan Foreign Minister Moussa Kusa in Tripoli.
In the meeting, Mr Khatib, a former Jordanian foreign minister, reiterated demands for an end to the violence and requested access for humanitarian groups, a UN spokesman said.

With fighting continuing in the east of Libya, it is not clear exactly where the front line is.The eastern oil town of Brega changed hands several times over the weekend, amid a relentless barrage of air and ground attacks by government forces.

Sources; BBC, Al Jazeera

Radiation leak fears at Japan plant - Third explosion hits Fukushima nuclear plant !

A radiation leak is feared after Japan's Nuclear Safety Agency reported a third explosion at Unit 2 of the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear-power plant in the country's northeast.

Watch Video of Nuclear plant explosion

Shinji Kinjo, an agency spokesman, said that "a leak of nuclear material is feared", after the explosion was heard at 6:10am local time (21:10 GMT) on Tuesday.

The troubles at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant began when a massive earthquake and tsunami in Japan's northeast on Friday knocked out power, crippling cooling systems needed to keep nuclear fuel from melting down.

Kayes improves quarter-final chances for Bangladesh !

Netherlands 160 (ten Doeschate 53*, Razzak 3-29), Bangladesh 166-4 (Kayes 73*) beats Netherland by six wickets 

The ball didn't turn much on a slow pitch in Chittagong but Netherlands' batsmen didn't have the skill to handle the nagging line and length from the battery of Bangladesh's left-arm spinners. They stabbed, plodded and meandered to 160 and Bangladesh wrapped up a six-wicket victory in a virtual must-win match. Shafiul Islam was luckless in a probing opening spell that read 6-3-7-0 but he was instrumental in strangling the Netherlands batsmen before the spinners tightened the screws further. The result escalated the pressure on England, who have to beat West Indies to stay in the World Cup.

For a brief while, 6.5 overs to be precise, there was some fight in the chase but it evaporated as Imrul Kayes took control to push Bangladesh to victory in Chittagong. Bangladesh were on a wobbly 14 for 1, for the loss of Tamim Iqbal, in the seventh over but Junaid Siddique and Kayes broke free to force Netherlands out of the contest.

Cooling system of Japans Nuclear reactor No. 2 stops working

Another reactor at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant lost its cooling capabilities , a government official said.The problem was detected in the plant's No. 2 reactor Monday afternoon after an explosion rocked the building containing the plant's No. 3 reactor, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano told reporters.

"We think that the hydrogen explosion in (the building housing) reactor No. 3 caused the cooling system of reactor No. 2 to stop working," Edano said. Water levels were falling and pressure was building up inside the No. 2 reactor, he said, and officials were working on a plan to release gas and also inject seawater into that reactor.

Afghan suicide blast - 37 Killed & Nearly 40 Wounded so far !

A suicide attack on an army recruitment centre in North Afghanistan's Kunduz province kills 37 people and injures 40. Three children are among the victims of Monday's attack, one of the deadliest in recent months. A spokesman for the governor of Kunduz province, Mahboubullah Sayedi, confirmed the attack.

"There was a suicide attack at the army recruitment centre in Kunduz city," he said. The spokesman added: "Most of those killed were volunteers who wanted to join the army."

Last week, the Kunduz police chief was killed by a suicide bomber while out on patrol in the city, and the previous governor of the restive region was killed in an attack last October on a mosque where he was worshiping. Al Jazeera's Sue Turton, reporting from the capital Kabul, said the latest attack comes as armed groups fighting the Afghan government ratchet up their operations in the province.

source ; Al Jazeera

Second blast at Japan nuclear plant - 11 Workers Injured !

Watch Video of Explosion

A second explosion rocked Japan's stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power complex, sending a plume of smoke into the air and touching off fresh concerns of radioactive leak in the quake and tsunami-hit country.

The International Atomic Energy Agency said on Monday the reactor has not been damaged.

Tokyo Electric Power Co [TEPCO], the plant operator, in a press release said, it was believed to be a hydrogen explosion at the plant's No.3 reactor and that 11 workers were injured. The first explosion happened at the same plant on Saturday, at the reactor No. 1.

TEPCO said that the impact of radioactive materials to the outside environment are presently under investigation.

Yukio Edano, Japan's chief cabinet secretary said that a large-scale radiation leak was unlikely. Edano said the reactor's inner containment vessel holding the nuclear fuel rods was intact, allaying some fears of the risk to the environment.

Al Jazeera’s Florence Looi said the cooling system at reactor No. 2 has also failed, leading to a build-up of pressure in the containment vessel. That is the  same problem units one and three encountered before they exploded.

Meanwhile, at Fukushima plant, the work to cool the reactors with a mixture of seawater and boric acid continues – an untested method, underscoring the desperate nature of the situation.

'No possibility of a Chernobyl'

Japan's nuclear safety agency said there is "absolutely no possibility of a Chernobyl" style accident at the Fukushima No. 1 plant, Koichiro Genba, the national strategy minister said, as quoted by Jiji Press.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Explosion at Japan nuclear plant reactor 3 in Fukushima !

A second explosion has hit the nuclear plant in Japan that was damaged in Friday's earthquake, but officials said it had resisted the blast.

TV footage showed smoke rising from Fukushima plant's reactor 3, a day after an explosion hit reactor 1. Japan's nuclear safety agency said the blast was believed to have been caused by the build-up of hydrogen.

Government officials said the reactor core was still intact as they tried allay fears of a radioactive leak. Technicians have been battling to cool three reactors at the Fukushima 1 plant since Friday, when the quake and tsunami combined to knock out the cooling system.

Currently over 2000 deaths confirmed and likely to rise to 10,000 according to the reports we are getting.

Galleon insider trading trial hears opening statements of former billionaire Raj Rajaratnam

Mr Rajaratnam, ( born in Sri Lanka ) is accused of making millions of dollars after getting tips from some of Wall Street's top names.

US attorney Jonathan Streeter said the case was all about "greed and corruption".Defense lawyer John Dowd said the government was wrong and his client had done only legitimate stock research.

Mr Rajaratnam's lawyers say that the government has significantly broadened its definition of insider trading. The US government has made insider trading probes into the hedge fund industry a priority, and the Rajaratnam prosecution is seen as an important case.

Assistant US Attorney Jonathan Streeter claimed that Mr Rajaratnam often knew "tomorrow's business news today". On Wednesday the final 12 jurors, plus six alternates, were selected from a pool of about 150 people. Mr Rajaratnam has pleaded not guilty to the charges. The case may last up to two months.

Was the speech made by Prime Minister in Parliment was a preplanned trap by Rajapakse family ?

It is reported that the speech about " Tiger Terrorists Training Camps in India "  made by DPM was a preplanned trap by family ruler Rajapakse to oust him and appoint either Namal (alias baba namal) or another rajapakse as PM due to "a gods sickness"  from which the leader is suffering. Those are are having the above sickness either leave to heaven or hell very soon in general !.

Read the full article about this preplanned  trap  

Libyan freedom fighters fall back - Dictator Gaddafi advances !

According to state TV reports, Dictator Gaddafi's forces had regained key oil town and freedom fighters fall back towards eastern strongholds.

Libyan armed forces loyal to Dictator and possible suspect of war crimes Muammar Gaddafi have cleared "armed gangs" from the oil-rich town of Brega in the east, an army source told state television on Sunday.

"Brega has been cleansed of armed gangs," the military source was quoted as saying. The report could not immediately be verified. State television has in the past issued false reports claiming territory.

But the claim comes amid a string of setbacks for the rebels who have lost several cities in the east to pro-Gaddafi forces. Brega's fall into the hands of Gaddafi loyalists would deal a further blow to the opposition's morale and momentum. 

Drastic Drop in Japan's stock market

Capital injection pledged on first business day since quake and tsunami hit northeast and stoked nuclear disaster fears.

Three days after a devastating earthquake hit Japan, the stock market in Tokyo has reopened - and its performance shows just how big the damage to the country's economy could be.

Share prices dropped sharply by more than five per cent within the first hour of trading on Monday. Moving quickly to try to keep financial markets stable, the Bank of Japan said it will inject $85bn into the money market to try to bring some stability.

The humanitarian crisis is deepening too, with thousands of people still missing as a result of Friday's 8.9 magnitude earthquake and resultant tsunami.

On the brighter side, foreign aid has begun arriving. A US naval ship is being used to help send out supplies and an aircraft carrier is also on its way to help.

But millions remain without electricity, and there are growing fears about the safety of the Fukushima nuclear plant where a state of emergency is in force.

All this leaves Japan facing its worst crisis since the second world war, according to the country's prime minister, Naoto Kan.

Australia wins easily but great improvement by Kenya

Australia 324 for 6 (Clarke 93, Hussey 54) beat Kenya 264 for 6 (C Obuya 98*, Mishra 72) by 60 runs

Watch Australia vs Kenya Full Highlights World Cup 2011

Australia's World Cup campaign resumed with an ultimately comfortable 60-run victory against Kenya, although Collins Obuya's unbeaten 98 meant the Associate nation took pride out of the contest. An upset was never on the cards but Kenya put in their best performance of the tournament with the highlight being the 115-run stand between Obuya and Tanmay Mishra.

The imposing run chase had been set up by a 114-run partnership between Michael Clarke and the returning Michael Hussey in his first innings of the World Cup. It actually gave Australia some important breathing space, but Kenya had long-since given up any hope of chasing down 325 on the ground where Ireland shocked England earlier in the tournament.

The most tension came in the closing overs, when Obuya could have reached his maiden one-day century - and Kenya's first at a World Cup - but he failed to get the three runs he needed off the last two balls. However, Ricky Ponting will be acutely aware that his team were far from impressive especially in the field. The bowlers, except for Brett Lee, certainly looked rusty as Kenya posted their best World Cup total.